
What happens when you engage David Beecroft Photography to photograph your event or performance?

You begin a process that engages my interest, my artistry and my skill as a photographer (and photo editor) to create a body of work that depicts the magical atmosphere of your event or performance. We begin with questions:

Before the event or performance:

Who are the people, performers, speakers that the performance or event will be focusing upon?

Who are the V.I.P.’s

What would the client like to recall (in photographs after the event or performance)?

What would I deem important to photograph?

What are the specific requirements the photographs must meet, what and who must be photographed?

When would absolute silence (no shutter sound) and discretion (minimal movement) be needed?

What are the interesting features of the location, what makes it unique?

What do I need to bring to the location (cameras, light, lenses) to insure success under the conditions encountered?

What do I need to know about the location?

What will be happening there?

Is there a stage, podium, where are they located within the space?

Is there lighting, what kind of light (LED, incandescent, coloured, dimmed)?

Are there projection screens, can they be photographed with silent shutter?

How many people will be on the stage, in the audience?

Shooting indoors or outdoors?

Is there access to back stage, green room and free movement within the space?

What movement is tolerated during the performance?

Is there simultaneous video filming during the performance or event and what restrictions to movement are there?

Is there access to the space before the event or performance before guests, performers arrive?

During the pre-performance rehearsal:

Request to photograph on the stage and close to performers while they rehearse, for more intimate photos.

Make mental notes of what is happening during the performance or presentation.

What would I see if I were the speaker, musician, dancer or actor?

What would I see if I were behind the stage, beside the podium, on the stage, between the performers?

What would I see if I were within, behind or in front of the audience?

During the performance or event:

How do the guests interact within the space, with each other, to the performance?

How do the artists, speakers interact with each other on the stage and behind the scenes?

What is the atmosphere, where is the magic, the drama, the excitement on the stage or podium?

How much (if any) movement or sound is tolerated before the audience or performers notice?

Things I do or consider while photographing:

Keep moving, always listen to the faint inner urges, listen to my intuition as to where to be and what to photograph.

What are the fleeting inner images that gently caress the edges of my awareness, follow them.

Photograph the obvious, photograph the understated.

There is always something happening. There is always communication. Watch for it.

Never disturb what is happening.

Be a silently gliding shadow with the intention to see and photograph “what is happening now” from a variety of viewpoints.

What are the close up details, unusual compositions of action and space? What is the wide view to give a feeling the space or location?

How do light and shadow interact with the subjects? High key or low key? Subject and negative space? Composition movement, direction, distance, near and far, what is in focus, out of focus?

Keep moving, keep listening with the eyes…

After the performance or event:

Do some photos need to be edited and delivered during or shortly after the event for social media?

Selecting photos before the client is presented with proofs so that the client is not dealing with redundancy or photos that “don’t work” Are the eyes in focus? Does the photo transport meaning and feeling?

Do basic colour correction, establish a “look”, do some obvious cropping. 

Make note of photos that jump out or are otherwise exceptional.

Offer ideas about treatment that support mood / atmosphere.

Further reduce redundancy by asking myself “of similar photos, which works best?”

Deliver proofs (in Web Resolution) or finished versions (Web and Print Resolutions, depending upon the clients needs) by uploading to the clients private web viewing and download page.

Be open to additional edits / needs / requests from the client.
